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Storage Configuration


graph TD subgraph "Storage Types" A[Local Storage] --> B[Node-bound PVs] C[SMB Storage] --> D[Network PVs] end subgraph "Volume Binding" B --> E[Local Path Provisioner] D --> F[SMB CSI Driver] end subgraph "Applications" E --> G[Application Data] F --> H[Media Storage] end style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333 style C fill:#bbf,stroke:#333

Directory Structure

├── arr/                  # *arr apps data
├── comfyui/             # ComfyUI storage
├── config/              # Application configs
├── crowdsec/            # Security monitoring
├── frigate/             # Camera monitoring
├── homepage-dashboard/  # Dashboard data
├── jellyfin/            # Media server
├── khoj/                # Search data
├── monitoring/          # Monitoring data
├── nestmtx/            # Matrix server
├── ollama-models/      # AI models
├── ollama-webui/       # UI configurations
├── perplexica/         # AI data
├── plex/               # Media server
├── postgres/           # Database storage
├── prometheus/         # Metrics storage
├── proxitok/           # ProxiTok cache
├── reubah/             # Application data
├── searxng/            # Search engine data
└── TEMP/               # Temporary storage

Storage Architecture

graph TD subgraph "Node: vanillax-ai" A[Local Storage] --> B[/datapool/kubernetes] B --> C[PersistentVolumes] C --> D[PersistentVolumeClaims] end subgraph "Applications" D --> E[AI Models] D --> F[Media Apps] D --> G[Databases] end subgraph "Volume Binding" H[StorageClass] --> I[WaitForFirstConsumer] I --> J[Node Affinity] J --> C end

Node Affinity and PVC Binding

sequenceDiagram participant App as Application participant K8s as Kubernetes Scheduler participant PVC as PersistentVolumeClaim participant PV as PersistentVolume participant Node as Node Storage App->>K8s: Create Pod with PVC K8s->>PVC: Check storage requirements PVC->>PV: Request binding PV->>K8s: Check node affinity K8s->>Node: Verify storage availability Node->>K8s: Confirm availability K8s->>App: Schedule pod on node PVC->>PV: Bind volume PV->>Node: Mount storage

Storage Classes

Local Storage

kind: StorageClass
  name: local-storage
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Node Affinity Configuration

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: app-data-pv
      - matchExpressions:
        - key:
          operator: In
          - vanillax-ai

Volume Lifecycle

stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Created: Create PVC Created --> Pending: Wait for Consumer Pending --> Binding: Pod Scheduled Binding --> Bound: Volume Mounted Bound --> [*]: Pod Running

Storage Management

Directory Preparation

# Create base directory
mkdir -p /datapool/kubernetes

# Create application directories
for dir in arr comfyui config frigate jellyfin monitoring ollama-models; do
    mkdir -p /datapool/kubernetes/$dir

# Set permissions
chown -R 1000:1000 /datapool/kubernetes/*

Volume Validation

# Check PV status
kubectl get pv -o,STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeAffinity.required.nodeSelectorTerms[0].matchExpressions[0].values[0]

# Verify PVC binding
kubectl get pvc -A -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,,STATUS:.status.phase,VOLUME:.spec.volumeName


Common Issues

  1. Pending PVCs

    graph TD A[PVC Pending] --> B{Check Status} B -->|No PV| C[Verify PV exists] B -->|No Node| D[Check Node Affinity] B -->|Volume Exists| E[Check Binding Mode] C --> F[Create PV] D --> G[Update Node Labels] E --> H[Wait for Pod Creation]

  2. Mount Issues

    # Check mount points
    kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n <namespace>
    # Verify directory permissions
    ls -la /datapool/kubernetes/<app-directory>
    # Check node capacity
    df -h /datapool

Volume Recovery

  1. Backup data:

    rsync -av /datapool/kubernetes/<app>/ /backup/<app>/

  2. Recreate PV/PVC:

    kubectl delete pvc <pvc-name> -n <namespace>
    kubectl delete pv <pv-name>
    kubectl apply -f storage/

Best Practices

  1. Volume Naming
  2. Use consistent naming: <app>-<type>-{pv|pvc}
  3. Include node affinity in PV names
  4. Label volumes for easy identification

  5. Backup Strategy

  6. Regular snapshots of /datapool
  7. Application-specific backup procedures
  8. Test restore procedures regularly

  9. Monitoring

  10. Set up alerts for storage capacity
  11. Monitor PV/PVC binding status
  12. Track volume performance metrics